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Dwi Emas Scholarship for Year 1 to 10

Aurora Scholarship Campaign


For Schools

Intakes : January August

Academic Scholarships Athletic Scholarships Creative Scholarships Unusual Scholarships Community Service Scholarships

Up to 26,104 USD

Full Scholarship

If you’re a Fish, You Don’t have to Climb a Tree!! Unleash Your Super Power!

Let’s face it, we have all heard that everyone is good at something, but how many of us get recognised for our more unconventional talents?

It’s sad because we have witnessed so many great leaders and successful people around the world who rose to the top NOT because of their academic excellence but because of their OTHER talents that were not recognized by their schools.

As educators, we believe that all talents should be recognised. Over the past 26 years, when we help our students nurture the unconventional talents that make them unique, they become great leaders and successful people when they go to university and eventually begin ‘#adulting’.


Which is why we wanted to challenge the norm and offer scholarships - scholarships that will not be based only on academic results, but pretty much for all kinds of talents!

1. Intellect & Intelligence (Academic)

Academic talent comes in all shapes and forms, and one of the more classic approaches to gauging such academics is by way of scholarships. Solving tricky maths problems comes way too easy for you? As part of our Intellect & Intelligence scholarship programme, we’re offering full and partial scholarships to the brainiest of brainiacs out there!

2. Aces & Winners (Sports)

We are looking for those of you with athletic prowess with a passion for sports. You love putting yourself in the arena and battling it out with the other athletes. The outcome that is most important to you is that you were a better version of yourself today than yesterday. If you are a great team player and a great sport who lives on the thrill of competing in the sports arena, you may be a great fit for this category.

3. Creators & Innovators (Design)

The world looks to creators & innovators to pave the way for everyone else to walk on. Are you a creator or designer of solutions that solve people’s problems? Constantly fixing up things or coming up with often wild and wacky ideas like the dude on TikTok who has practically made it a career to invent Useless Inventions? Maybe there’s a lot more to those ambitions than just childish daydreaming! Find out how you can continue honing this talent via this scholarship.

4. Movers & Shakers (Social Media)

Right now the landscape of what an influencer is is changing. It’s no longer about having the spotlight on you. It’s now about your ability to lead, be real and add value in order to serve your audience. We’re looking for those of you who have a following on social media because you have an important cause or positive message to share to inspire and shift people into doing the right thing.

5. Artsies & Fartsies (The Arts)

Matisse said that creativity takes courage. Emerson said that every artist was an amateur at first. We say that’s true. If you are fortunate enough to be shown the early works of any artist, their initial work is usually horrible, enough to make them cringe when they show it to you. This scholarship is waiting for those of you who have got a real knack for what’s commonly known as the more artsie fartsie pursuits in life and would like to hone those skills so you can make it your career.

6. Thinkers & Tinkers (Technology)

Dreaming about exploring space? Training to be the next e-sports champion to go head to head with the likes of T1 or Damwon Gaming? Maybe you just get technology and you want to spend your life exploring tech gadgets, creating new apps or inventing the next programming language that will change the way humankind lives. If technology is your jam, this scholarship is for you.

7. Prolific & Terrific (Talent)

Calling all prolific & terrific young individuals out there; those who haven’t quite found their niche! You know you’re talented based on what you’ve currently achieved in life, right? Just that, there’s no real format or framework to recognize those talents. We’ve been in education for more than 25 years so we definitely know how you feel. Which is why this scholarship is for those of you who have a world of talent but don’t quite fit any of the rigid boxes that world likes to see you in.

8. Local & Vocal (Community Service)

“Someone had to do something to help.” We’re seeing so many teens and kids on social media who are making a difference in their neighborhood or community. From helping the homeless to setting up community farms so people have access to food, these kids are creating support systems for their community. If you’re involved in a project that enhances your community’s wellbeing, you’re just what we are looking for where this category is concerned.

9. Trailblazers & Pioneers (Entrepreneurship)

As entrepreneurs ourselves, we learnt from our mentors that entrepreneurship is not the pursuit of making money. The money you make is simply a result of solving a problem for people. The bigger the problem you can solve, the more money you’re able to make. This scholarship is for those of you involved in some sort of entrepreneurial endeavor or enterprise that solves a problem for people or fills a gap in the market.

10. Lean & Green (Environmental Regeneration)

We guess this category makes it sound like we are looking for the Hulk. Far from it! This scholarship is for those of you who are involved in projects, efforts and causes that champion making the world a greener, better place for all. It’s for those of you who be-leaf that taking care of Earth takes care of us. Mother Earth needs you and we want to support you in your green efforts.

Each scholarships range between 30%, 50%, 70% or 100% of annual academic fees from Year 1 to Year 10.

Dwi Emas International School, the First Entrepreneurial School in Malaysia is offering scholarships.

Dwi Emas takes pride in instilling entrepreneurial qualities. Student development takes high priority. Its leadership camps enhance the interpersonal skills crucial to success in increasingly competitive talent markets; while initiatives like its Powerpreneur programme provide a vocational sense of business, marketplace, industry, and how they change across borders, peoples, and professions. These augment academic excellence, providing a decisive edge to student ability.

Terms and Conditions

  • All applications received before the end of the closing date will be considered for scholarships.
  • Scholarships will be awarded on a first come, first served basis until available scholarship funds have been exhausted.
  • Scholarships will be awarded based on merit, at the sole discretion of the school.
  • Any or all scholarship values published is an indicative value of the award and does not.
  • To qualify for the scholarship, applicants must meet the following criteria:
  • All applicants must register as students via

  1. All applicants must make an application via the portal in order to qualify for the scholarship.
  2. High academic achievement and English fluency 
  3. Active participation in co-curricular activities including sports, performing arts, clubs and societies
  4. Good communication skills and leadership attributes
  5. Applicants must submit a certified copy of their recent exam results upon request. (If your documents are in a language other than English, you must provide certified translations).
  6. Open to students aged 7 -16 years
  7. Student will be subjected to an interview and required to sit the college entrance tests.
  8. Other supporting documents e.g. resume, awards, portfolio etc.
  9. A photocopy of Malaysian ID card.
  10. Scholarship covers tuition fees only. 
  11. Terms and conditions may apply.

Scholarship committee are looking for students with academic and leadership qualities with extracurricular activities both in school and in the community – eg: a member of athletic sports teams representing schools or states and other activities such as volunteer at a local welfare center, performing arts or societies.

The Aurora Campaign offers significant discount to Citibank Malaysia customers and their children when they apply for this scholarship via Citibank Malaysia customers will receive a 50% discount voucher code to sit for the Scholarship Benchmark Test (SBT) online via, reducing the cost of the test from RM128 to RM64. 

This SBT test offer campaign is applicable for Malaysian citizen only
